Commercial Ice Machine

If you're looking to open a food business, one of the most important pieces of equipment to purchase is an ice machine. These machines are expensive, so you should make sure you realize your needs before making such an investment. You will find Commercial Ice Machines that are available in all different sizes and production capacities. Here are just a few things to consider when shopping for a Commercial Ice Machine.

One important attribute to consider for your Ice machine is what type of ice you are looking for. Many people think that Cube ice is best for beverages whereas nuggets and flakes are good for buffets, fish storage, vegetables and meat. It is up to you to select the ice machine which best meets your needs.

Another consideration is the physical size of the ice machine compared to the space that it will be located. Take the measurements of the location as well as any doorways or stairs where the machine will have to travel through. Be sure to also check the floor loads to support a full ice machine as well as any plumbing and electrical that will be needed.

After selecting the machine, one of the most important external items is a water filter. It not only improves the clarity, but also removes chemicals, mineral deposits and odors. Almost all types of water filters can assist in making sure your water doesn't contain any harmful agents or parasites.

A nice benefit of many of the new machines on the market is their lower energy consumption than previous ice machines. Many are Energy Star rated which will save you money on your electric and water bills and in some locations may also provide you with a rebate for their installation and use.

An ice machine can last for years and years with the proper maintenance and water filters. Many models have self-cleaning modes to assist with the maintenance so there really is no excuse no to maintain your machine to keep it running efficiently and long lasting.